Izabela Dzhalazova is a Certified Public Auditor with over 30 years of experience in the provision of specialized professional services in the field of independent financial audit, business and tax consulting and accounting services.
Professional qualifications:
Registered Auditor - Member of the Institute of Certified Public Accountants in Bulgaria
Member of the Institute of Internal Auditors in Bulgaria
Member of the Chamber of Tax Consultants in Bulgaria
Member of the Sofia Chamber of Commerce and key speaker on the topic "The role of the independent audit for PPP" of the international conference on the subject of public-private partnership (PPP), held on July 1, 2008, at the Sheraton Hotel.
Member of the CIA (Certified internal auditor)
Certified appraiser of whole enterprises
Certified lecturer on the application of IFRS and IAS
Certified Quality Manager and Internal Auditor of Systems of quality management under ISO 9001:2000, Certificate 812/12.03.2008
Certified auditor authorized to certify the annual financial statements of insurers, by decision of the FSC, Insurance Supervision Management, since February 2004
Certified auditor entitled to certify the annual financial statements of pension funds, since October 2000.
Registered Auditor included in the list of controllers and auditors at the Registry Agency by Order № RD-01-454/01.10.2010
Besides the rich professional experience in the field of audit, Izabela Dzhalazova is also the author of several publications:
"Annual AQccounting and Tax Completion 2007" – book, publishing house - Staff Consult; "Highlights in the Ordinance on Business Trips" - book publishing house Staff consult; "Changes in the National Standards for Small and Medium Enterprises in 2008" – book, publishing house - Staff Consult;
Organizes annually and has been invited as a speaker at seminars related to IFRS and IAS, Preparation of consolidated financial statements, Changes in tax law, Application of the Convention for the avoidance of double taxation legislation, Annual Accounting Balance, Accounting Standards for Small and Medium Enterprises, and others.
Transparency Reports
Trasparency Report 2020
Доклад за прозрачност 2020
The transparency report of the certified auditor Izabela Dzhalazova shows the way the auditor's professional obligations and responsibilities are held. It speaks for the maintenance of high quality of the services provided. It represents key information on the quality control system of the auditor. It also gives details on the audited public companies, as well as financial information such as realized revenues and turnover.
Докладът за прозрачност на регистрирания одитор Изабела Джалъзова показва начинът, по който са спазени професионалните задължения и отговорности. Говори за поддържането на високо качество на предлаганите услуги. Показва ключова информация за системата за контрол по качеството на одитора. Също така дава информация за одитираните публични дружества, както и финансова информация за реализираните обороти и приходи.